Saturday, 27 October 2007

Forced Orphaning is not an option for my son Ali and my daughter Sadim

A group of volunteers - including myself - called the Core Group, started Almoyatam Forum

The forum has been softly launched today. It will be officially launched at the 1st of Decemeber 2007.

Almoyatam in arabic means “The Orphaned”.

We defined the moyatam or the orphaned according to the American Heritage Dictionary
tr.v. or·phaned, or·phan·ing, or·phans

To deprive (a child or young animal) of a parent or parents

My kids Ali and Sadim are intentionally deprived of their Dad. So we can call them orphaned kids. This is the first time in the Arabic language to use such a term for such a use. It is a breakthrough for all the people standing for the kids who suffer from this crime in the Arabic world. Now we have a name to describe any kid who has been deprived of his Mom or her Dad.

To deprive a child deliberately of his mother or her father is definitly a crime that should be stopped. Our deliberately orphaned kids will not verbally complain of their deprivation. Our orphaned kids may be even abusivly guided to hate their missing father or mother!

How we can stand for these situiations? This is the question that anybody who cares about children should ask himself or herself.

My son Ali and my daughter Sadim are orphaned by their mom. She is taking advantage of her British nataionlity to deprive the kids from their dad. She accused me in Egypt with crimes that the court acquitted me. She is claiming that I am a violent father. She is using a police report that she had to prove that. Let me tell you, that being a violent father and being an abusive father is a crime. No accusation has been directed towards me. No police ever questioned me about domestic violence or anything else in this neibourhood in any country all over the world not just in the UK.

These false accusations will be stopped. Ali and Sadim will never continue their forced orphaning. The perpetrator will always get what he/she deserves.

Saturday, 6 October 2007

The rights of Ali and Sadim for their dad

I am here to declare it to the whole world. I am a stand for the rights of my son Ali and my daughter Sadim for their Dad. I want the whole world to know that Ali has just completed his 5th birthday few days ago. I do not know where he is. I did not talk to him for more than 7 months. I miss my boy and I am sure he misses me too. I miss you Sadim. I miss you my little girl. Make sure that your loving dad will never give up on you. Regardless of the costs and regardless of the pain, I am all for you my little baby. I have been accused that I am dangerous, and that I could hurt you. I have never hurt you my baby. Just thinking about being accused of hurting you, makes me cry. Can I hurt my most precious little baby? It never happened that I hurt you or hurt your brother Ali. Mr. Yamani, your mother's father, told the media in Egypt that he is protecting you from me. He has no right or authority to do that. He is just using the laws of Egypt and the laws of the UK to make sure that you will not have your dad. I will soon stand in front of the whole world to show the world how much I love you and how much I love your brother Ali. I am committed that you grow up with your dad close to you as you would like him to be. I will let the whole world know how much I am suffering because you are deliberately hidden from me. I will let the whole world know, how are the laws of Egypt and the UK are abused to separate and hide you from your dad. I will use all the legal means in Egypt and the UK to find you and to give you back the rights to your father's hugs, kisses, and love. No one in the whole world has the rights to separate and hide the kids from their loving father.