It is very clear that for an Arab Muslim, there is very little chance of living a life with freedom. We are left alone on our own, with no choice other than defending ourselves, our values, our culture, and for sure our beliefs. It is obvious that very few political leaders, either in the west or in our own countries are willing to respect or even listen to our requests and needs. It is very alarming to see a live example of what is happening to us embodied in what is going in Gaza. It is a clear opportunity to see my future and my family's future determined by others who have no respect what so ever to our values and our life. George Michelle, who is barely starting his mission in the Middle East has already decided that HAMAS is a terrorist organization and that Israel is defending itself. In the meantime, some of the Arab Leaders were hoping for the surrender of Palestinian resistance against the "mighty" Israeli Army. They are worried that an Islamic democracy is emerging at their borders. So, the crossings are mostly closed. They are making sure, that the Palestinians are technically prisoners. Israel is investigating and confirming the procedures to make sure that the Palestinians will never receive any weapons to make sure that the Palestinians should be killed with all types of illegal weapons without being able to defend themselves. The Israeli fathers has brought their boys to the gun trainer who is having a beard and wearing the cap –in the above picture- to teach their little kids how to use machine guns to kill Arabs or so called Palestinians. He is not a terrorist. He is also not bringing up little terrorists. He is only practicing the freedom of the "only democracy" in the Middle East. On the other hand, can we teach our kids how to use weapons? Can we have weapons? Can we even express ourselves with freedom? The answer is "NO". What is happening to Gaza is already happening to us. It is because we are not bombed with white phosphorus, we think we are safe. We Are Not Safe. We are severely abused by the western world who is supporting our dictators and in the meantime attack our societies as backward cultures. So let us stand for ourselves. We have no support but Allah. Let us grasp His ropes and make sure we are pursuing His path. Ahmed Eldemellawy