Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Young Poeple .. Stop forced orphaning!

I am so excited to start my blogging about education and the subject of forced orphaning. I am so interested in education and in young people. So I believe most of my writings will touch on education and how it relates to us humans and to young people in particular.
My business is based in the UK and in Egypt. Right now I am in Egypt - my home country - to start a new project and to sort some family issues that has to do with forced orphaning of my son Ali and my daugheter Sadime. I am a stand for truth, freedom, prosperity, and fatherhood. Working for young people usually satisifies all bases of my stand. So I do enjoy creativity, development and communications around them.
I have a tendency to think more about the Middle East and the Arab world. It is not only because of my roots but also because I have seen and experienced the spaces that young people and youth in the area are experiencing with no or little guidance or support.
Internet based communities, I beleive, is the approach to provide a new space with lots of dimensions for young people to share and express themselves as free as they can be. It is also an opportunity to for me and for all who would like to participate to commuincate with our precious young people and understand their views and interests.

I here invite us all to encourage and request our young community to participate in our drive - through to put an end for for forced orphaning of our kids. I am pretty open to ideas and participations that could end up with a project that would let us know how our youth relate to the forced orphaning syndrome that is infesting our socities.

It is an invitation and a cry for participation. It all starts with communication. So let us keep it rolling.

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Forced Orphaning is not an option for my son Ali and my daughter Sadim

A group of volunteers - including myself - called the Core Group, started Almoyatam Forum

The forum has been softly launched today. It will be officially launched at the 1st of Decemeber 2007.

Almoyatam in arabic means “The Orphaned”.

We defined the moyatam or the orphaned according to the American Heritage Dictionary
tr.v. or·phaned, or·phan·ing, or·phans

To deprive (a child or young animal) of a parent or parents

My kids Ali and Sadim are intentionally deprived of their Dad. So we can call them orphaned kids. This is the first time in the Arabic language to use such a term for such a use. It is a breakthrough for all the people standing for the kids who suffer from this crime in the Arabic world. Now we have a name to describe any kid who has been deprived of his Mom or her Dad.

To deprive a child deliberately of his mother or her father is definitly a crime that should be stopped. Our deliberately orphaned kids will not verbally complain of their deprivation. Our orphaned kids may be even abusivly guided to hate their missing father or mother!

How we can stand for these situiations? This is the question that anybody who cares about children should ask himself or herself.

My son Ali and my daughter Sadim are orphaned by their mom. She is taking advantage of her British nataionlity to deprive the kids from their dad. She accused me in Egypt with crimes that the court acquitted me. She is claiming that I am a violent father. She is using a police report that she had to prove that. Let me tell you, that being a violent father and being an abusive father is a crime. No accusation has been directed towards me. No police ever questioned me about domestic violence or anything else in this neibourhood in any country all over the world not just in the UK.

These false accusations will be stopped. Ali and Sadim will never continue their forced orphaning. The perpetrator will always get what he/she deserves.

Saturday, 6 October 2007

The rights of Ali and Sadim for their dad

I am here to declare it to the whole world. I am a stand for the rights of my son Ali and my daughter Sadim for their Dad. I want the whole world to know that Ali has just completed his 5th birthday few days ago. I do not know where he is. I did not talk to him for more than 7 months. I miss my boy and I am sure he misses me too. I miss you Sadim. I miss you my little girl. Make sure that your loving dad will never give up on you. Regardless of the costs and regardless of the pain, I am all for you my little baby. I have been accused that I am dangerous, and that I could hurt you. I have never hurt you my baby. Just thinking about being accused of hurting you, makes me cry. Can I hurt my most precious little baby? It never happened that I hurt you or hurt your brother Ali. Mr. Yamani, your mother's father, told the media in Egypt that he is protecting you from me. He has no right or authority to do that. He is just using the laws of Egypt and the laws of the UK to make sure that you will not have your dad. I will soon stand in front of the whole world to show the world how much I love you and how much I love your brother Ali. I am committed that you grow up with your dad close to you as you would like him to be. I will let the whole world know how much I am suffering because you are deliberately hidden from me. I will let the whole world know, how are the laws of Egypt and the UK are abused to separate and hide you from your dad. I will use all the legal means in Egypt and the UK to find you and to give you back the rights to your father's hugs, kisses, and love. No one in the whole world has the rights to separate and hide the kids from their loving father.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

My Kids All Over The World ... I Love You

Few minutes ago, I was so moved when I remembered Laila, who is abroad (promised not to publicly disclose where she is), Ghada who is studying in Manchester, Aly and Sadime who are some where in the world with their mother(Probably UK). I miss them so much. So I chose to write about young people all over the world and how we the fathers relate to them. Father-Son or Father-Daughter relationship is such an incredible experience.

A message to Nermine

The lioness will alway keep an eye on the L I O N.

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Aly and Sadime

Aly is my little 4.5 years old boy and Sadime is my little 2.5 years old girl. I have no contact with them. Actually I do not know where they are. Most probably they are in the UK. Aly, my son, I miss you so much. Sadime, my little baby, your cute face is always in front of my eyes. I love you so much. I will do everything I can do, I will be anything I can be, to see you, touch you, and to be so close to you. I do not know how it will happen, but I am sure it will happen. My heart is broken but my will is of steel. Lots of love.

Sunday, 27 May 2007

I have just found it

I have just found what is being a father to me! ..... Responsible ... Yes, responsible. This is how I relate to my role as a father of my 6 kids and a father for young people all over the world. Such a self discovery explained to me my previous feelings, reactions, and positions in all sorts of situations where I could relate to people around me in a fatherly way. Such a feeling of responsibility was the driving force for my trip of self-development and self-education regarding handling myself and handling my feelings and the way I am around my kids and around young people. I enjoy listening to young people. I love my son Omar when he starts his favorite subject. Football, and for sure Real Madrid. It is fun to hear the latest news and the details of life of his favorite players. It is really an educational experience to listen to him. I got tempted a lot to direct him to give similar attention to his school. But I trust that he knows better what he needs now. I always explain to him the importance of knowledge and education for his self development and for his potential success in life. I also found out that all the knowledge he is gathering is a manifestation of his brilliance. He may not be asked in his school exams about the latest game for Real Madrid. But for sure he can write a lot about it, and I trust that he is very knowledgeable and expressive in this area. So, if Omar can be that good around football, that he can be equally good around any subject that he would like or give attention to. As a responsible listener to Omar, my 13 years old boy, I have learned a lot. I realized how smart he is. I found that education is about love and interest. So developing interest and love is crucial for education to happen. So I started to see my role as responsible listener to him is to provide him with the space of being great and the space of appreciation of what he likes and the space of admiration of his knowledge around his favorite subjects. My role as a responsible Example, is to communicate to him the beauty and fun of being who he would like to be. It is ME who is responsible around Omar and around my kids all over the world.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Omar and me

Omar is my 13 years old boy. I am in love with him. He is so smart and cute. I was away from him for about 25 months. I left Cairo in Feb 2005 and came back at Mar 2007. I was almost in daily contact with him and his three sisters who were living with him on their own. They had no father or mother at home. It was very difficult for all of us. I made a great effort to compensate for my absence and their mother absence by being online with them over Skype almost all the time. We were living together online. It was a funny experience but very tough one specially for the young 11 years old at the time Omar. I persuaded his sister Hala to help him in communicating with me over Skype. In a very short time he was very good in chatting and communicating with me online. He is the youngest among his older sisters. Aly and Sadime, my youngest kids from the second marriage were living with their mother at a different house. So, technically Omar was the youngest at home. In our chat, I was always busy with Laila, the oldest daughter, who was acting as their mother. I always has to remind myself to talk to him and sometimes Laila was hinting to me to ask about him and talk to him. I used to feel guilty for him. I am not living with him and it was very easy for me to forget to talk to him or to ask about what he is doing. He was very good. He used to attend all these conversations and when I ask about him, I found that he is there listening. He is a brilliant listener. I was almost always surprised when I took his opinion regarding the subjects I am discussing with his sisters, how sharp he is. Actually I developed trust in his views and feedbacks. Now I ask him a lot about his points of view in many issues that are not necessarily related to him. When I saw him at the airport, he was a tall and strong youngman. The moment is so intense and full of deep emotions and love. I see him as my friend. I enjoy spending time with him while he is playing FIFA. He is playing a lot and invites me to see how clever he is in scoring goals. I am so happy I am back, to spend time with him and be close to my great friend Omar.

Monday, 7 May 2007

I miss Laila, Ghada, Aly and Sadime

Laila is my oldest. She left Egypt for a long trip to pursue her life. She considers this trip a very private issue. So I will not write about the details of her trip. According to her, it is her trip not mine, and I am respecting her wishes. You can see Laila's Picture at my first blog. It is very hard for me to see my daughter living abroad on her own. I am the protective father, I cannot tolerate it. It gets on my nerves. In the mean time, I love her so much that I have to support her and be there for her all the time. Laila taught me how to be a father. I had Laila when I was 25. I was a very hard working man. I was very proud of that. I had no time to spend with my little daughter and I did not see her in my life, other than the responsibility of having her. On the other hand, she used to receive me at the door when I come home. She was very happy to see me. She used to follow me everywhere I go. I was wondering why she is doing like that. But believe it or not I got hooked to the little daughter. I got hooked to her smile and attention. I started to look forward to go home to see her and be with her. The sense of being a father started to emerge. It did not stop growing since then. Thank you Laila for being my fatherhood mentor. Your little smile and obvious happiness of seeing me every time I open the door into the house created for me a huge world of love and care for my children and all the children.

Ghada is my third . She lives in Manchester in the UK studying Law. She is so cute and smart. At least this is how I see her. You can see her picture in the first blog too. She taught me a lot. She is so committed to her responsibilities and her life. She does not give up. She is an amazing fighter. Believe it or not she is so wise. I love to consult with her. Sometimes I get upset when she does not listen to me and understand what I am communicating with her. I apologize for you Ghada, but sometimes I enjoy the authority of being your father. I went through very hard times at the beginning of this year. She rented the movie "The pursuit of Happyiness" and we spent the night together watching and discussing afterwards. It was an excellent choice. It had a tremendous positive impact on me. I do miss spending the nights with you Ghada. We had very good time together in Huddersfield. Thank you for teaching me to have fun even at the most difficult moments. Ghada is an amazing girl. I love you.

Aly is my fifth. He is so smart and cute. Sadime is my sixth. She is an amazing sweetheart. You can also see their pictures at the first blog. I have not seen them for almost seven months now. I miss them dearly. According to what I have been told, they live with their mother in the UK. But actually I am not sure if they do or not. I have no communication with their mother other than an email address for her. I started to write to Aly and and Sadime to that email. But I do not know if they receive the messages or not. I hope they do. I did not spend too much time with them. I have been traveling a lot trying to generate good income to support my big family. So I missed a lot of them. I want to apologize for them and for all my kids for missing them for long times.

I am committed to allocate and spend the time with my kids my six kids and with kids all over the world. So I am working on an album of eight songs whose lyrics and music were developed for my kids. I want to sing for them and to dance with them. I love you so much. I will spend all my life with you.

Saturday, 5 May 2007

The Love of My Life

I am writing today about "How I feel regarding my kids?" I feel lots of love and lots of energy. Being with my own six kids or with young people is so full of life and full of love. I had a wonderful conversation few hours ago with my nephew. It was about his new business. I was so excited to listen and to understand what he is doing and how he is being regarding his new endevour. It is so facinating to give time and thoughts to support the younger generation to achieve better and to avoid lots of the mistakes that I have been through.

Friday, 4 May 2007

"Awladi" in Arabic means "My Kids".

"Awladi" is an expression of love and care for my kids. I am committed to love them and to provide for them the best I can offer. I have 6 kids, I am sure you will know all of them very well in this blogger. But the reason I started this site is to communicate with young people all over the world as I also see and relate to them as my kids "Awladi".

In the last few weeks, I have developed a mind map for my life. I developed my own methodolgy to develop a map that reflects the mission, roles, goals, and objectives of my life. I was astonished to realize that my kids in the broad sense - kids and young people all over the world - and my kids in the narrow sense - my own six kids- are so valuble to me and at the center of my map. I found out that I cannot value my self or enjoy my life without being so close and so connected to them. So I started this blogger to express and practice my love and my fatherhood to all of them.

I want to introduce to you my six kids.

Laila, she is 22. She is my love and pride.

Hala, she is 19. She is the smile of my life.

Ghada, she is 18. She is my flower.

Omar, He is 13. He is my boy.

Aly, He is 4. He is my little boy.

Sadime, She is 2. She is my heart.

I love them so much and my love to them mirrors my love and my committment to young people all over the world.
Let me thank you for visiting "Awladi" and I am committed to be a stand for fatherhood in the full sense of the word.

I would love to hear from you through your comments or your emails, about you and who you are about your kids in the broad and the narrow sense.

