I am so excited to start my blogging about education and the subject of forced orphaning. I am so interested in education and in young people. So I believe most of my writings will touch on education and how it relates to us humans and to young people in particular.
My business is based in the UK and in Egypt. Right now I am in Egypt - my home country - to start a new project and to sort some family issues that has to do with forced orphaning of my son Ali and my daugheter Sadime. I am a stand for truth, freedom, prosperity, and fatherhood. Working for young people usually satisifies all bases of my stand. So I do enjoy creativity, development and communications around them.
I have a tendency to think more about the Middle East and the Arab world. It is not only because of my roots but also because I have seen and experienced the spaces that young people and youth in the area are experiencing with no or little guidance or support.
Internet based communities, I beleive, is the approach to provide a new space with lots of dimensions for young people to share and express themselves as free as they can be. It is also an opportunity to for me and for all who would like to participate to commuincate with our precious young people and understand their views and interests.
Internet based communities, I beleive, is the approach to provide a new space with lots of dimensions for young people to share and express themselves as free as they can be. It is also an opportunity to for me and for all who would like to participate to commuincate with our precious young people and understand their views and interests.
I here invite us all to encourage and request our young community to participate in our drive - through http://www.almoyatam.com/ to put an end for for forced orphaning of our kids. I am pretty open to ideas and participations that could end up with a project that would let us know how our youth relate to the forced orphaning syndrome that is infesting our socities.
It is an invitation and a cry for participation. It all starts with communication. So let us keep it rolling.