Monday, 7 May 2007

I miss Laila, Ghada, Aly and Sadime

Laila is my oldest. She left Egypt for a long trip to pursue her life. She considers this trip a very private issue. So I will not write about the details of her trip. According to her, it is her trip not mine, and I am respecting her wishes. You can see Laila's Picture at my first blog. It is very hard for me to see my daughter living abroad on her own. I am the protective father, I cannot tolerate it. It gets on my nerves. In the mean time, I love her so much that I have to support her and be there for her all the time. Laila taught me how to be a father. I had Laila when I was 25. I was a very hard working man. I was very proud of that. I had no time to spend with my little daughter and I did not see her in my life, other than the responsibility of having her. On the other hand, she used to receive me at the door when I come home. She was very happy to see me. She used to follow me everywhere I go. I was wondering why she is doing like that. But believe it or not I got hooked to the little daughter. I got hooked to her smile and attention. I started to look forward to go home to see her and be with her. The sense of being a father started to emerge. It did not stop growing since then. Thank you Laila for being my fatherhood mentor. Your little smile and obvious happiness of seeing me every time I open the door into the house created for me a huge world of love and care for my children and all the children.

Ghada is my third . She lives in Manchester in the UK studying Law. She is so cute and smart. At least this is how I see her. You can see her picture in the first blog too. She taught me a lot. She is so committed to her responsibilities and her life. She does not give up. She is an amazing fighter. Believe it or not she is so wise. I love to consult with her. Sometimes I get upset when she does not listen to me and understand what I am communicating with her. I apologize for you Ghada, but sometimes I enjoy the authority of being your father. I went through very hard times at the beginning of this year. She rented the movie "The pursuit of Happyiness" and we spent the night together watching and discussing afterwards. It was an excellent choice. It had a tremendous positive impact on me. I do miss spending the nights with you Ghada. We had very good time together in Huddersfield. Thank you for teaching me to have fun even at the most difficult moments. Ghada is an amazing girl. I love you.

Aly is my fifth. He is so smart and cute. Sadime is my sixth. She is an amazing sweetheart. You can also see their pictures at the first blog. I have not seen them for almost seven months now. I miss them dearly. According to what I have been told, they live with their mother in the UK. But actually I am not sure if they do or not. I have no communication with their mother other than an email address for her. I started to write to Aly and and Sadime to that email. But I do not know if they receive the messages or not. I hope they do. I did not spend too much time with them. I have been traveling a lot trying to generate good income to support my big family. So I missed a lot of them. I want to apologize for them and for all my kids for missing them for long times.

I am committed to allocate and spend the time with my kids my six kids and with kids all over the world. So I am working on an album of eight songs whose lyrics and music were developed for my kids. I want to sing for them and to dance with them. I love you so much. I will spend all my life with you.